Nemo Vitamin Filter


Availability: 31 in stock SKU: nemo-vitamin-filter


From rust removal to chlorine removal. – A two-step action for Vitamin Filter. Nemo Vitamin Filter uses a sediment filter to remove all rust and sediments from piping and uses highly concentrated vitamin gel to remove residual chlorine. Chlorine removal – Effective removal of residual chlorine in tap water Concentrated vitamin C – 800 times the vitamin C content of lemons, an antioxidizing effect for skin Glycerin moisturizer – Provides moisture and moisture protection to improve skin drying and atopy   Made with technical process and tailored to individual tastes. Two kinds of scents to cater to individual preferences Made with technical cooperation with global fragrance company CPL AROMAS (UK) and longstanding collaboration with an expert perfumer We guarantee the right of choice for everyone as they discover their preferred scent for a therapeutic experience in the shower booth. Filters produced by a drinking water filter company. Nemo makes water filters for drinking water. We can’t say that we are the “best of best,” but we are very proud of our products. After all, they symbolize our effort and philosophy in the field.  

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 100 × 100 × 100 mm


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